"Recuperare" Story
One part of the Budimex Hospital complex is The Recuperare (Rehabilitation Department). There, hundreds of children through the years have passed as intern patients. Daily I visit this very full and very busy place. I see fathers, mothers, and grandparents all with a child whose physical disability necessitates therapy of one kind or another. Some children are on push-chairs, others on wheel-
chairs and many are being carried in the arms of an adult. Movement
everywhere - parents wonderfully patient yet all with a sad worried
Having a room at my disposal in the Rehab allows me to meet and talk with both children and adults. More and more I become aware of needs other than therapy e.g. poor parents need push chairs or maybe a little money for food. Children's lives are brightened through receiving books, toys etc. rooms need decoration. All day long there is movement. Some parents are queuing for consultation with the Director, others are taking their child to the ergo therapy, physiotherapy or Kinetotherapy Department.
In each of these departments there are qualified staff members who truly do a great work to help the little ones cope with their physical problem. It is good to see them at work!
It is good too to see smiles on the faces of the children when treatment is over and they can get out to the garden where there are swings or simply seats to allow time to enjoy the sunshine. Every day I learn a new lesson from these suffering children and from their inconsolable mothers. Maybe the best lesson is the capacity to be happy and grateful to God for the very little things and events.
I saw a mother cry with joy on seeing her child moving one finger.
Then the mother so happy to see her little son move his leg about...
two centimetres. I was touched to the heart by a sight of one little five year old boy with serious leg problems who asked his mom to let go of his hand to prove to me he could take a step or two on his own! Mothers and children give thanks to God for the ability to say one word, to take one more step or make one more movement.
Their strong belief and hope in God in these circumstances is the best lesson anyone can get. The question is are we grateful enough for our health, our power and good fortune?!
I am not sure!